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Thursday, November 05, 2009

NTW - launches event programme and website

Well it's been one of the busiest weeks in the studio ever. We have been racing to get the National Theatre Wales destination website launched in conjunction with linking it to the live streaming of the event programme to the world. There were moments of doubt but it all seems to be running smoothly now and the launch of the programme seems to have been well received by the press. The online social community that has been nurtured by National Theatre Wales and Native, has also been responding to the launch and the destination website, which has been great. With one commenting:

"Well done John, Lucy, Lesa and all the NTW team. An amazing programme, a beautiful looking website, and all the technology worked!"

It has been a great project to work on. The team assembled by National Theatre Wales have all managed to collaborate together in a very proactive fun way.


Thanks to NTW, Lesa from stop the pigeon, Elfen for working on the brand, Native for developing the online community. We hope that this can be used as a great case study to show how creative teams can work together in a collaborative way. I also got a great coffee which helped the tired eyes.

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At 4:11 pm, Blogger Kelly Page said...

Very interesting blog post about the importance of collaboration and partnership in the NTW project!

On the 5th of November, the launch of NTW's 2009/2010 programme was unveiled, inconjunction with the website built by yourselves at Hoffi. This follows on from many months of hardwork, dedication and creative inspiration by a number of very important digital and creative partners who worked very closely with such an excellent team at NTW:

- Visual Identity & Branding Strategy: Lesa & Elfen [http://www.elfen.co.uk/]
- Overal Digital Strategy: NTW, Hannah Rudmann (EnviroDigital); NativeHQ [http://nativehq.com/]
- Social Web & Community Strategy: Native HQ [http://nativehq.com/]
- Website & Digital Launch: Hoffi

With the support of WAG and Wales Art's Council, it has been excellent to see all these great companies come together to contribute to the vision and life that is 'National Theatre Wales'.

Big congrats to everyone who helped inspire the foundations for a great theatre company.

Dr. Kelly Page
(Documenting the digital journey of NTW)

At 4:57 pm, Blogger Hoffi Limited said...

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the post and adding Hannah's credit. I knew I missed someone out. Whoops. With regards to our credit about the digital launch. Then it wouldn't / couldn't have been done without Tom from Native, Mike from NTW and the team Mike assembled to produce the live stream and hosting etc.

At 8:38 pm, Blogger Kelly Page said...

No problem. It has been a fantastic journey so far, and it is only the beginning of more chapters to come.

The energy, spirit and hard work of the NTW team is what I think sets this digital strategy apart from many I've been involved with documenting.

If the organisation itself doesn't inspire creativity, innovation and openness in how we use digital channels, it doesn't matter how great the branding, web design, or social media partners are. An organisation that is opening to letting go of traditional mindsets in how these channels can be used to grow and support community is what is paramount.

Technology is about people in social networks / communities and bringing people together to share and converse with each other. The support and participation of the many individuals who comprise the NTW Community, also sets this digital strategy apart.

So the keys for the NTW strategy:
1. An open, sharing organisational mindset
2. An open and engaged community



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